Sunday, September 2, 2007

Where's MySpace?

This is probably one of the most ridiculous error messages that I have ever seen on a prominent web page/portal. Recently, I was trying to register myself as a user and wasn't able to because I entered my birthday in the year 1910.

First of all, shouldn't the site allow a 97 year old to become a MySpace member? And most important of all, if there's an option to display and select the year 1910, you better allow it, or else don't display it. Isn't this obvious to the users? And, what makes my birthday real? The message displayed should be more sensible.


Craig said...

Obviously anyone born before 1988 is lying about their age. It IS Myspace.

Good luck with the enw blog. Ranting about bad design may get frustrating but at least you'll never run short of case studies.

Unknown said...

FOr some reason Ive seen Indian websites are the worst designed websites in the world. It seems like they cut corners doing UCD and user acceptance testing. Have a look at a financial site The worst site you'll ever see and they are suppose to transact millions of dollars on it. It's a shame for a financial website